Over 7 months since my last outfit post, the time has flown by so quickly and at the same time Melbourne living feels like a distant memory. I never got around to getting my camera fixed and the warranty has now expired, so there is a strong chance it will now sit in the depths of my drawers alongside broken phones and various knick knacks I probably don't need.
A quick rewind to 7 months ago, I was packing up my little dollhouse unit, boxing up 8 years of Melbourne life. I said goodbye to my job of over three years at the head office for Converse, a job I adored, more than anything for the people I worked with who had become like a family. I put myself on a shopping ban, which I (mostly) stuck to and learnt how to save. Saving had never been something I was particularly good at, there has been a few attempts over the years that had always been thwarted by an asos sale binge. My mum has always been an amazing saver and when I would go to her about saving tips or advice she would always tell me that you just need to want something badly enough to save for. Mums always have a way of being right about everything and I had finally found my thing I wanted more than a fashion fix and that was to move up to Newcastle to embark on an adventure filled life with my best friend/boyfriend/partner in crime/love of my life. I'd always said I would end up back in Newcastle one day but I needed something to give me that final push and in October of last year I got that push.
It was an exciting decision but also a terrifying one, I knew that if I moved back to Newcastle I would be leaving the fashion industry, there was no work in my field, in all honesty there isn't a lot of work in Newcastle period. The older I get, I am starting to realise that you can't always have everything, instead you can have a few things that are really great and if you focus on those rather than the things you don't have life is pretty damn wonderful. The closest thing to my industry up here was retail and I was very lucky that I got the first job I applied for, managing a sneaker store. I still wear a lot of my beloved Converse but have started expanding my sneaker horizons out to other brands.
So here we are in the presant-day, I have been working in my role at Hype DC for nearly 7 months, when I am not there I have been sewing away, working on a baby clothing label called
Joy Gebicki which I am really excited about.

I have caught the saving bug and my partner and I have started saving for a house (how very grown up). Being a "saver" has completely changed my shopping habits, I spend a lot more time putting things in to carts and wishlists and then really thinking about If I actually want them, most of the time my shopping lust passes. I spend more time on ebay looking for bargains, it actually works in my favor that the pastel trend, which is very much my style has now passed so a lot of people are offloading. I haven't been thrifting very often, mostly because I haven't found any good thrift stores up here, if anyone has any favourite Newcastle thrifting haunts, please feel free to share them with me. One of the most exciting things to happen is I have booked a trip to Japan for November, I have never been overseas before so I am nearly bursting with excitement about it!
On to the outfit post, there had been a lot of talk about a cold snap that was hitting on Sunday. My partner and I decided to take a drive to Barrington Tops to try and see some snow, I love driving adventures, as a child my parents would often bundle us into the car of a weekend and just start driving so it brings back a real nostalgic comfort.
Pastel Pink Knit Sweater - Bonds -I am always on the hunt for warm clothes in pastel hues, currently also looking for hoodies in pastel colours, if anyone has come across any please link me x
Blue and Pink Beanie - Thrifted from Mitcham

Nasty Gal Reboot Moto Jacket - Purchased second hand on Ebay - A while ago Unif did a pastel moto jacket that I was madly in love with, I made the silly mistake of snoozing on it and it sold out. Since then it has been one of my regular searches on ebay, hoping that one day I will be able to add it to my wardrobe. After a year or so of searching I still haven't had any luck. Recently this pastel moto jacket came up for sale on ebay, worn once and I figured it could fill this hole of never getting the Unif one. I really love the contrast zips of the sleeves, I think it such a pretty touch. I posted my new purchase on instagram with a caption about it (nearly) making up for not getting the Unif one. Low and behold one of my beautiful instagram friends had the Unif one for sale in a size Medium, I would usually be a small/ extra small but I had heard that this jacket is a very small cut. As I am working on this post the post man has delivered my beautiful Pastel Unif Moto Jacket which I am sure will feature in an upcoming post.

Pastel Stripe Socks - Kmart kids section
Adidas ZX Flux -
Hype DC
Hopefully it wont be as long between now and the next post xx
photos by the wonderful
Kye Smith